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Optimizing non-production environments on AWS is a critical task for organizations looking for cloud cost savings, improved performance, and streamline operations. It is important to note, however, that there are some mistakes that can result in unexpected costs and performance problems. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the common mistakes to avoid when optimizing non-production environments on AWS for cost and performance while avoiding potential pitfalls.

AWS cost reduction strategies while creating a non-production account

Use a free tier account: AWS offers a free tier account that provides access to many of their services for free for 12 months. You can use this account for your non-production environment to save costs.

Choose the right account type: Choose an account type that best suits your needs. For example, a developer account might be sufficient for your non-production environment, which is less expensive than an enterprise account.

Use AWS organizations: AWS organizations can help you manage multiple AWS accounts from a single dashboard. You can use this feature to consolidate multiple non-production accounts and implement cloud spend optimization by sharing resources.

Use AWS cost allocation tags: AWS cost allocation tags can help you track and categorize spending, making it easier to identify areas where you can cut costs.

Implement cost optimization features: AWS provides several cost optimization features, such as right-sizing instances, using spot instances, and using auto-scaling. Implementing these can save costs in your non-production environment.

Use AWS Trusted Advisor: AWS Trusted Advisor can provide recommendations to optimize your non-production environment, such as identifying unused or underutilized resources, which can help you in cloud cost savings.

Review your non-production environment regularly: Review your non-production environment regularly with the help of AWS Cost Monitoring Tools to identify opportunities to save costs. For example, you may find that some instances are no longer needed or can be scaled down to a smaller size.

What are the Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Cloud Spend Optimization of Non-Production Environments ?

Reducing costs in non-production environments on AWS is a key priority for many organizations, but there are several common mistakes that can be made during the process. Failing to monitor resource usage, not using cloud spend optimization tools, using oversized or underutilized instances, not using reserved instances or savings plans, leaving instances running when not in use, not using tagging, and not considering alternative AWS services are all mistakes that can result in higher costs and lower performance. Let us explore some tips on how to avoid them when trying to reduce costs in non-production environments on AWS.

Not using AWS Cost Explorer: AWS Cost Explorer is one of the most extensively used AWS Cost Monitoring tools provided by AWS that allows you to visualize, understand, and manage your AWS costs and usage. It is essential to use this tool to get a clear view of your costs and identify areas where you can save.

Not setting up cost alerts: AWS allows you to set up cost alerts so that you can be notified when your spending exceeds a certain threshold. Failing to set up these alerts can lead to unexpected and uncontrolled expenses.

Not using reserved instances: Reserved instances are a way to prepay for your EC2 usage and can result in significant cloud cost savings. Failing to use reserved instances is a common mistake that can lead to unnecessary expenses.

Not using auto-scaling: Auto-scaling allows you to automatically adjust the number of instances running based on the demand. This can help you save money by avoiding unnecessary instances during low-traffic periods.

Not using spot instances: Spot instances are instances that can be purchased at a much lower cost than on-demand instances. They are ideal for non-production environments where uptime is not critical.

Not optimizing storage: AWS offers several storage options, each with different pricing structures. It is essential to choose the right storage option for your needs to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Not turning off resources: Failing to turn off resources when they are not in use is a common mistake that can lead to unnecessary expenses. Your AWS cost reduction strategies must include regularly auditing your environment and turning off resources that are not needed.

Not monitoring usage: Monitoring usage is essential to identify areas where you can save money. Failing to monitor usage can result in unexpected expenses and missed opportunities to save money.

Reducing costs in non-production environments on AWS requires careful planning, monitoring, and optimization. Avoiding these common mistakes can help you save money and make the most of your AWS environment.

The Benefits of Optimizing Non-Production Environments on AWS

Optimizing non-production environments on AWS provides several benefits. It helps to reduce costs by identifying underutilized or unnecessary resources and rightsizing instances to match workloads. Over time, this can result in significant cloud cost savings. Secondly, optimizing non-production environments can improve performance by ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively. This can help reduce latency and improve application response times. Thirdly, optimization can streamline operations by automating tasks such as scaling, backup, and disaster recovery. This can help reduce the workload on IT staff and improve overall efficiency. Overall, optimizing non-production environments on AWS can help organizations achieve cost savings, improved performance, and streamlined operations.

Some of the additional benefits include:

Cost Savings: Non-production environments are used for development, testing, and staging purposes, and they typically do not require the same level of resources as production environments. By optimizing these environments, businesses can reduce their infrastructure costs significantly.

Improved Efficiency: Cloud spend optimization of non-production environments can improve the efficiency of the development process. Faster deployments and testing cycles can be achieved, which can result in faster time-to-market and improved agility.

Reduced Risk: Non-production environments are typically used for testing and staging, which means that issues can be identified and fixed before they impact production environments. By optimizing these environments, businesses can reduce the risk of introducing bugs or other issues into production.

Better Resource Utilization: Optimizing non-production environments is one of the most effective AWS cost-reduction strategies for businesses to ensure that resources are being used efficiently. This can help to avoid waste and ensure that resources are being used for the intended purpose.

Enhanced Collaboration: Optimizing non-production environments can improve collaboration between development teams. By having a standardized and optimized environment, developers can work more effectively together and ensure that their code works as expected in a consistent environment.

Conclusion :

Optimizing non-production environments on AWS can lead to significant cost savings for organizations. By following the best practices such as monitoring resource usage, using cost optimization tools, rightsizing instances, and using reserved instances or savings plans, organizations can reduce costs while improving performance and streamlining operations. It is important to regularly review and optimize non-production environments to ensure that they are running efficiently and effectively. By doing so, organizations can achieve the benefits of cloud computing, such as scalability, flexibility, and agility, while also keeping cloud cost savings as a priority. With the right strategies and tools in place, organizations can optimize their non-production environments on AWS and achieve their business goals while staying within budget.

CloudKeeper helps you cost-optimize your entire cloud infrastructure, including non-production and testing environments and provides instant and guaranteed savings of up to 25% on your AWS bills. Talk to our experts, to learn more.

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